Sigmund Freuds widerständiges Erbe.
Grenzgänge innerhalb und außerhalb
psychoanalytischer Institutionen.

Symposium anlässlich des 70sten Geburtstags
von Bernd Nitzschke

This issue is a Festschrift celebrating the 70th birthday of Bernd Nitzschke, one among Freud’s oppositional heirs. Freud himself was, however, a rebel with revolutionary theories about sexuality. In 1998, I first saw Nitzschke’s name in Die Zeit citing Freud (1911) on Paul Schreber: “The delusional formations, which we take to be the pathological product, are in reality an attempt at recovery, a process of reconstruction” (p. 71, Freud’s italics). I wrote to him, we met in 1998, became friends, and collaborated on a number of psychoanalytic projects. This review is my tribute to Bernd’s lifetime achievement as a psychoanalyst and prolific historian of psychoanalysis.

Henri Zvi Lothane, International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 2018. Vol. 27, No. 1, 70-72

text/Lothane nitzschke-review.docx

Being one of the last Jewish New York City colleagues to be fluent in German, Henry Zvi Lothane’s review of the No.2/2015 issue of the journal Psychoanalyse - Texte zur Sozialforschung is meant as a tribute to his friend Bernd Nitzschke, whom he defines as “one among Freud’s oppositional heirs”. That issue contains papers by André Karger (the editor of this current issue, together with Bertram von der Stein) on Nitzschke’s life and work; a paper by Bertram von der Stein on interdisciplinary dialogue; a paper by Albrecht Götz von Ohlenhausen on the anti-conformist analytic pioneer Otto Gross (1877-1920); a paper by Andreas Peglau on Wilhelm Reich, on whose drama Nitzschke edited a book together with Karl Fallend in 1997; a paper by Galina Hristeva on Georg Groddeck; a paper by Thomas Anz on the relationship between psychoanalysis and modern literature; and a paper by Helmut Dahmer on Marx and Freud. As readers can see, this Festschrift is also a good proof of how much psychoanalysis in Germany is still cultivated by an enlightened intellectual elite.

Marco Conci, International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 2018 Vol. 27, No. 1, 1-4


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